Curb for gardens, country houses and country plots (1000x200x80)

Curbing for gardens and private areas is a practical solution for dividing different areas. It is an invariable element in the organization of asphalting area, paving stones and other construction works.

The company “AVALON TTA” offers favorable prices curb and consistently high quality of its production. Thanks to the modern technological process we give customers a proven product with the stated characteristics.

Curb for dacha plots is an element that allows you to separate pedestrian, automobile passages from the rest of the site. The product performs an aesthetic and practical function. On the one hand, the curb visually separates the zones intended for the movement of people. On the other hand, it supports the coating (asphalt, tile, paving stone) from sprawling around the perimeter.

The products are made of reinforced concrete. Its properties:

  • good frost resistance, guaranteeing a large number of freezing-splitting cycles without significant loss of curb properties;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • exclusion of concrete cracking effect;
  • high strength characteristics.

Reinforced concrete is resistant to moisture, does not gain water inside its structure, does not crumble. In addition, the material is characterized by high resistance to various mechanical loads. It easily tolerates collisions with vehicles.

Curbs are produced by the method of vibration casting. Under the influence of external force, the mortar is evenly distributed over the mold, eliminating the formation of defects in the internal structure of the product. Thus, the output is a monolithic, durable curb.

Areas of application

The curb for country houses is used for:

  • separation of the house zone from the street zone;
  • arrangement of pedestrian paths inside the site;
  • separation of automobile entrances from the ground area;
  • visual decoration of the territory.

Concrete curbs, the price of which compares favorably with competitors, is guaranteed to last for decades. The company carefully monitors its products, offers customers the best quality.

Buy curb can be directly in the catalog of the site. It is enough to leave an application for the position of interest. In addition, the customer can contact our managers on the company's phones.
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